Angel in the Orchard

Angel in the Orchard
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Uploaded by Barbara Levy on Dec 20 2019 in Salt Spring Island

When I go out photographing, I like to let the creatures, who share this small island with me, approach me when they feel it's okay and I also prefer to be visible to them so I don't normally use a blind or camouflage. I try to stop myself from "chasing" the perfect shot or staying in an uncomfortable position too long just to get that shot . Instead, I've found it much more enjoyable to be relaxed around wildlife and sometimes, I even like to sing softly, especially with the songbirds or for the gentle White-tailed deer who live in our neighbourhood. We don't have many natural predators on Salt Spring (the occasional cougar, who swims over from the larger island) so, many deer forage year round and have become accustomed to us humans. But mature deer are often wary and will treat us as a threat, especially if their young are close by. The day I captured this portrait shot, I was sitting in a nice, sunny spot in the middle of an old apple orchard, just taking a break (reminding myself not to get all stressed out if I didn't get any shots). Then, this Mama deer and one of her fawns came walking leisurely in my direction. I started taking photos in between catching glimpses and the Mama just kept coming closer and closer. A biologist friend once told me to avert my gaze if I see a deer so as not to frighten her. I completely forgot this advice as I sat watching in amazement as this beautiful Angel came right up to me, completely unafraid. The candour and gentleness in her expression just melted my heart!



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